Winter Superfoods That Strengthen Your Immune System

This time of year, when many of us spend more time at home, there’s a natural desire to spend more time in the kitchen cooking up some hearty (and nutritious) versions of our favourite comfort foods.


Pumpkin isn’t usually classified as a superfood, but what people don’t realise is that it has incredibly low calories and carbs, which makes it a great vegetable for heart-healthy dishes like soups, salads, and roasts. One vegetable you may eat to your heart’s content is pumpkin, which is also a fantastic source of beta carotene, vitamin C, fibre, and potassium. Additionally, if you’re searching for a lower-carb substitute for pasta, consider making pumpkin noodles using a spiralizer and serving them with your preferred spaghetti sauce.


Because they come in their own packaging, bananas are nature’s best snack and are sometimes overlooked as superfoods. They are the ideal natural energy-dense food. Bananas have 3g of fibre and are also high in potassium, vitamin B6, folate, and magnesium. They can be eaten as a nutrient-dense snack on the run or used to naturally sweeten yoghurt, baked goods, and smoothies. Additionally, if you enjoy baking in the winter, using overripe bananas in recipes for pancakes, muffins, and banana bread will require you to use a lot less sugar to make the recipe sweet.

Red capsicum

The vivid red hue of red capsicums is a sign of their high vitamin and antioxidant content. Carotenoids, a class of antioxidants, are particularly abundant in red capsicums and are known to have a potent effect on regulating several inflammatory pathways in the body.

Higher consumption of carotenoids throughout life has been linked to a decreased mortality risk from major diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke. You won’t regret eating more red capsicum if you snack on them throughout the afternoon or use them as a flavouring for your favourite stir-fry or soup in the winter.


Fresh baby spinach leaves, one of the most adaptable leaves, are great as a base for salads, may be used to green juices, and taste great when stir-fried with a little olive oil and nutrient-rich garlic. They can also be used as a vegetable base for omelettes. The strong nutrient content of spinach can be inferred from its dark green leaves. Cooking spinach in a small amount of olive oil improves nutrient absorption and spinach leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C, E, K, beta carotene, and folate. Additionally, you should know that spinach freezes quite well, so you can stock up on it for baking, omelettes, and smoothies.


You may get an indication of how nutrient-dense beetroot is by looking at its vibrant, rich colour and texture. Because beetroot has few calories per serve and a multitude of potent antioxidants that are proven to enhance cell health, it should be a regular part of your diet. Roast and toss into salads, shred and store in the fridge to add to pates, dips, crackers, and sandwiches. You can even juice them for a delicious mixed vegetable juice. Additionally, recent studies have demonstrated that beetroot’s high nitric oxide content enhances blood flow, and beetroot juice shots have been found to enhance sprint cycling performance.


It’s difficult to find anything wrong with Australia’s preferred toast topping—avocadoes are a fantastic source of nutritional fibre, heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and vitamin E, which elevates them to the status of superfood. Include ¼ to ½ of an avocado in your diet every day; they are linked to heart health, healthy skin, and serving as a natural anti-inflammatory. You can’t go wrong with that.


Soups are an excellent dietary choice because they combine a high nutrient density with a low energy density. This means that we can obtain a lot of essential elements, such as vitamins and minerals, for comparatively few calories, especially when the soup is vegetable-based.

Indeed, research indicates that include a bowl of soup with vegetables in your dinner can cut your overall calorie intake by as much as 100. Soups produced with bone broth are even better since carnosine, a chemical found in the bones, is linked to greater immune function.