Top 7 Healthiest Carbs to Maintain High Energy

Energy is necessary for the human body to maintain and support the vital organ functions. We get this energy from the food we eat. The body gets energy from the breakdown of several nutrients included in meals and their absorption in the blood. A important source of energy apart from protein and fats is carbohydrates, according to the British scientific journal Nature. Carbohydrates provide glucose, which the body uses to function and keep you energised all day.

It’s normal to feel exhausted and short on energy for a variety of reasons. The good news is that your body begins breaking down food as soon as you ingest it and absorbs glucose into your bloodstream.

7 Energy Boosting Carbs

These seven nutritious foods are high in carbs, which can help you produce more glucose and energy.


Oats are a powerful source of satisfying and healthful carbohydrates and are high in fibre. They are abundant in B vitamins and beneficial minerals like manganese and potassium. They increase the body’s energy levels and aid in maintaining a healthy weight.


This crimson fruit is a great way to get manganese, folate, and iron. They are high in fibre and have an excellent supply of vitamin C. Beets are a great fruit to improve energy because of their fibre and carbohydrates.


Fibre and potassium abound in bananas. They provide you with sustained energy and fullness. They have vitamins B6 and C, which are good for you. They are abundant in chemical compounds and antioxidants that support improved mood and energy levels.


Healthy carbohydrates are abundant in avocados. They include plenty of vitamins C, E, and K. They are an excellent source of energy since they include copper, potassium, and magnesium. Additionally, their fibre and good fats aid with weight management.

Whole Grain Bread

When it comes to bread, whole grain breads are healthier than white bread. They provide carbohydrates and fibre, which can provide an immediate energy boost. A quick toast or sandwich will assist you overcome your tiredness.


Lentils or dal, which are high in protein, are a great meal choice to meet your energy needs. Zinc, potassium, iron, and fibre are all abundant in lentils. They are an excellent source of B vitamins as well. Lentils are a great way to maintain a healthy and active diet.


Millet is a great source of carbohydrates and fibre. Their B vitamins help people keep a healthy weight by speeding up metabolism. To increase energy, eat millet dosa, chapati, or energy bars.