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To ensure a healthy holiday, heed these tips

To ensure a healthy holiday, heed these tips

According to a survey, 72% of Americans anticipate abandoning any healthy eating plans for the remainder of the year.

But you don’t have to completely give up on your diet. According to Whitney Deedrick, APRN of Topeka’s Stormont Vail Weight Management, it is possible to eat, drink, and have fun.

She remarked, “I wouldn’t say no to everything.”

Moderation is the key, according to Deedrick. Select the items you want to spoil.

“If you love stuffing, you love pie, you love mashed potatoes, just do a little bit and don’t put heaping amounts on your plate,” she said. “Try to eat off of small plates to help limit the size and the portions of everything.”

Think twice before grazing

“A lot of grazing comes when people are standing around in the kitchen, they’re talking, they’re snacking on some vegetables, snacking on the meat and cheese tray. Take that talking to the living room so you’re not just in the kitchen, snacking before meals, snacking after meals,” Deedrick said.

When you do get to the buffet line, make sure to add colorful items to your plate, like veggies. Bring it yourself to ensure you’ll find a healthy option.

Slow down after you’ve taken a seat to eat!

“Bring salads and meat and cheese trays, making sure you’re getting your vegetables and your proteins in there. Try to eat those first before your carbs,” Deedrick said.

Slow down after you’ve taken a seat to eat!

“It takes 20 minutes for your brain to realize that you’re full, so slowing it down,” Deedrick said. “You can talk more during meals to help naturally slow you down so you feel satisfied and not over-indulged at the end of a meal.”

According to Deedrick, water is essential to the solution.

“Getting in your normal ounces of water every day helps with your craving control, so it’s going to help keep away those sweet cravings, those carb cravings,” she said. “Try to reduce your calories in your drinks. Try to avoid the sodas and the juices and the milks. Alcohol has calories.”

Schedule time for exercise at the same time you schedule the next party.

“Try to schedule in 30 minutes of activity, at least four to five days a week,” she said.

Additionally, avoid skipping breakfast and lunch in the mistaken belief that you will save all the calories for dinner. According to Deedrick, because you’re so hungry, it actually increases your likelihood of overindulging.

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