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These seven unusual winter fruits may surprise you by being quite healthy

These seven unusual winter fruits may surprise you by being quite healthy

These seven unusual winter fruits may surprise you by being quite healthy

You’re probably including more fruit in your diet if you’re making an effort to stick to a healthy routine in this first month of the new year.

Apples, bananas, grapes, and various berries are often the fruits that choose when eating fruit, but there are a lot of other fruits that you might not be aware of and should be taken into account.

These seven fruits, which vary slightly depending on region, are typically accessible in the winter in most parts of the country and pack a surprising punch in terms of vitamins and minerals.


Guavas are tropical fruits with green or yellowish-green skins and, depending on the type, white, bright pink, or red flesh.

Rich in potassium, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A and E, and vitamin C, guavas are a nutritional powerhouse that’s beneficial for both fluid balance and overall health, according to Heckler.

She said that fresh guavas can be sliced and consumed. Additionally, they’re frequently juiced and added to drinks, smoothies, and cocktails.

Additionally, sliced guava can lend a flavorful pop to yogurt, green salads, and fruit salads.


Heckler described a kiwi as a little, fuzzy, brown fruit with vivid green flesh that is also referred to as kiwifruit.

“The interior contains tiny, edible black seeds distributed throughout the flesh and the taste is a unique combination of sweetness and tanginess, making it a refreshing and flavorful fruit.”

Heckler stated that this little fruit is incredibly powerful because of its high vitamin C content, which supports the health of the immune system.

“It also contains other nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin K, E and potassium,” Heckler told Fox News Digital. “Vitamin K supports blood clotting and bone health, and vitamin E is an antioxidant.”

Kiwis can be ripened at room temperature in your home.

“Once ripe, store kiwi in the refrigerator to prolong its shelf life,” she stated.

Heckler added that the adaptable fruit can be added to smoothies to increase their flavor and nutritional value. Additionally, use kiwis to improve sweets, yogurt, and fruit salads.

Thanks to imports from different regions, kiwis may be found all year round in the United States, Heckler added.


Heckler pointed out that the kumquat is a small, oval-shaped citrus fruit that is distinct from other citrus fruits in that the interior flesh is acidic, but the peel is sweet and edible.

She mentioned that the exotic fruit’s high vitamin C, fiber content, and essential oil content are among its nutritional advantages.

To keep them fresh, keep kumquats at room temperature or briefly chill them in the refrigerator at home.

This assortment of fruits might be a quick snack.

“Consume the entire fruit, including the peel, for a sweet and tangy flavor,” Heckler advised.

For home cooks, kumquats are particularly useful because they can be used to create delectable sauces and marmalades.


The persimmon is a sweet-tasting fruit with a distinctive texture and look that might not be on your radar. Heckler stated that the tasty fruit is rich in nutritional fiber, vitamins A and C, and both.

“Vitamins A and C contribute to skin health and boost the immune system,” she stated.

Store persimmons in the refrigerator to maintain freshness after ripening at room temperature. The unusual fruit can give flavor to your meals or entertainment activities.

Heckler said, “Enjoy raw or add to salads and desserts.”

Another suggestion is to incorporate persimmon into foods like yogurt to enhance both taste and nutritional value.


Often touted as a superfood, pomegranates are good sources of vitamin C, fiber and folate, Jessica Cording, MS, RD, a dietitian, health coach and author who practices in New Jersey and New York.

“They’re also rich in compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.”

She mentioned that pomegranates have arils, which are tiny seed casings that are inside the fruit. You may add these to salads, mix them with yogurt, oatmeal, or cold cereal, or use them as a decoration for drinks.

“You can also eat the arils with a spoon right out of the fruit,” Cording stated.

The pomegranates should be kept in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area.

Heckler noted that although pomegranates are usually harvested in the fall, they are available in stores all winter long.


This strange fruit, often called Chinese grapefruit, might be something new to look for at your grocery shop.

According to Julie Lopez, RD, proprietor of Virtual Teaching Kitchen in New Jersey, this citrus pick has a high vitamin C content.

When selecting a pomelo, give it a thorough inspection.

“A pomelo should be heavy for its size without any soft spots or bruises,” Lopez explained. “Give the rind a sniff; when ripe, the fruit should have a subtle, sweet fragrance.”

She advised storing ripe pomelo in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Use the fruit like you would a grapefruit; it can be added to salads and desserts, or juiced for a refreshing drink.

Star fruit

The tropical fruit known as the sweet pick, or carambola, gets its unusual name from its five points, which resemble stars.

Heckler described it as having a tart, slightly sweet flavor.

It’s an excellent source of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C.

Look for this fruit in stores and choose one with solid flesh.

To enjoy, cut into slices and eat raw or add to food as a garnish.

“Use sliced star fruit as a decorative and flavorful garnish for both sweet and savory dishes,” Heckler advised.

When the star fruit is mature, keep it out of the refrigerator to preserve its freshness, she advised.

She pointed out that while star fruit might not be as common in cooler climates, it might be available year-round in some southern states.

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