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The Silent Struggle: The Mighty Truth Behind Imposter Syndrome

Ever faced one of those days when you engage in an inner battle with yourself? Even though you’re actually doing quite well in life, you still feel unsuccessful and experience trauma and anxiety internally. Take a moment to reflect. You might be facing imposter syndrome, which is quite common these days, but rest assured, it is something you can overcome.

But First, What Does Imposter Syndrome Feel Like?

Imposter syndrome is akin to a haunting feeling of failure, despite being fairly successful in your career. It manifests as a silent struggle within yourself. Let’s delve into how it happens and how to overcome it.

One thing we know for sure is that our mind knows everything—what’s right, what’s wrong, and everything in between. However, when someone experiences imposter syndrome, this condition tricks their mind. It can manifest in various ways. For instance, you might be excelling in your profession, receiving praise and admiration from clients and senior management. Yet, you constantly doubt your abilities, fearing that one day you won’t measure up. In essence, you’re deceiving your brain by attributing your achievements to luck rather than your hard work.

Another dreadful symptom of Imposter Syndrome is constantly comparing yourself to others. Sometimes, it’s not even with direct competitors. Imagine a startup constantly comparing its success, growth, and milestones to that of an established MNC that has dominated the market for the past five years. Will the startup ever be able to achieve ultimate success in the world of entrepreneurship?

Imposter Syndrome thrusts you into the realm of self-doubt, even when you excel in life. Think of a class topper who works diligently and consistently achieves top grades. However, they still doubt their intelligence and fail to acknowledge their accomplishments. This, too, is an impact of Imposter Syndrome.

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome?

Up to this point, the blog has shed light on what Imposter Syndrome looks like. It involves attributing your success to external factors rather than your capabilities and subsequently feeling unsuccessful in life. Recognizing and overcoming Imposter Syndrome is crucial to reclaiming your self-worth. Begin by celebrating your achievements, acknowledging them as the product of your struggle and capabilities.

If you’re wondering how to overcome Imposter Syndrome, there are numerous ways to address it. It starts with embarking on a journey of self-love, self-care, and self-compassion. Acknowledge your abilities, reframe your negative self-talk, and seek support when facing uncertainty.

A major tool for overcoming the syndrome is developing a growth mindset. Embrace your flaws and imperfections, as it’s okay to accept them. Remember, life is vast, and you can learn or develop the skills you desire.

To combat inner inferiority, immerse yourself in uplifting books that shed light on life and its truths. The more positively you read, the more positive you’ll feel. “Becoming Flawesome” by Kristina Mand-Lakhiani is a transformative book that can help you overcome imposter syndrome. Unlike philosophical texts, every incident in this book is a real-life story from the author, offering valuable insights. And #BecomingFlawesome is the only way to overcome Imposter Syndrome.

We all know Imposter Syndrome is a silent struggle, but it doesn’t have to define our lives. Let us remember that our achievements are genuine, our worth is real, and we have the power to silence the inner imposter. It’s time to rise above the silent struggle and embrace our true potential.

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