Papaya Leaves for Dengue Patients: 7 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Raw Papaya Leaf Juice to Treat Dengue

Dietary Advice for Dengue Recovery: The dengue virus, which causes dengue fever, is transmitted by the bites of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Dengue usually causes high fever, excruciating headaches, rash, muscle and joint discomfort, and bleeding tendencies. Dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome may result from severe cases of the illness, which can range in severity from moderate to severe.

Can Papaya Leaves Help Fight Dengue Symptoms?

Mosquitoes carry the virus that causes dengue fever, which is characterised by high fever, excruciating pain, and occasionally fatal consequences. Papaya leaves are one natural medicine that is becoming more popular.

7 Reasons Raw Papaya Leaves Juice is Essential for Dengue Recovery

Papaya leaves are thought to provide a number of health advantages, especially in the treatment of dengue illness. They include a variety of substances, including antioxidants, enzymes, and vitamins A, C, and E.

Increased Platelet Count

A drop in platelet count, which is essential for blood clotting, might result from dengue fever. According to some research, papaya leaf extracts may increase platelet counts and speed up the healing process.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Papaya leaf enzymes and antioxidants may help lower inflammation, which is helpful in treating dengue symptoms.

Antioxidant Effects

Papaya leaves’ strong antioxidant content aids in the fight against oxidative stress and may lessen tissue and cell damage.

Digestive Support

Papain, which is found in papaya leaves, helps with digestion and may help treat stomach problems that occasionally accompany dengue fever.

Boosts Immunity

Papaya leaves include vitamins and minerals that boost immunity, making the body better capable of fending against dengue fever and recuperating more quickly.


The detoxifying qualities of papaya leaves may aid in the removal of toxins from the body, promoting general health and facilitating dengue recovery.

Natural Fever Reduction

Papaya leaves have cooling qualities that can help reduce fever, a typical dengue symptom, and offer comfort and relief when ill.