Nutritionists’ List of the Top 10 Fruits with the Fewest Calories for Snacking

Want to indulge your sweet taste without consuming a lot of calories? This selection of low-calorie fruits will satisfy your needs. From apples to strawberries, each of these fruits has fewer than 100 calories per serving and offers a number of health advantages. Their abundance of vitamins and nutrients can help with everything from blood pressure regulation to the immunological system.

Are you unsure of what to serve with nutritious fruit to make you feel full? Fruit alone won’t keep you full for as long as you combine it with protein and fat, despite the fact that many individuals seek to reduce their calorie intake by doing so. A handful of trail mix, a piece of cheese, or a spoonful of peanut butter will help you feel full without consuming a lot of calories, according to Kaytee Hadley, M.S., R.D.N., I.F.M.C.P.

Furthermore, according to Hadley, 90% of Americans do not consume the recommended two servings of fruit each day. In order to reap the health advantages of fruit’s fibre, vitamins, and phytochemicals, she says, “I want to help people find the ones they like and can eat regularly.” However, these fruits have the fewest calories if you’re trying to reduce your intake in order to lose weight.

1. Blueberries

Calories per serving: 83 calories per cup

According to Keri Glassman, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., founder and president of Nutritious Life, blueberries are rich in antioxidants and dietary fibre, which may reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

The wild variety is extremely popular with Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N., CEO of Plant Based with Amy and Master the Media, especially when combining the frozen berries into a smoothie. “They provide twice as many health-promoting antioxidants as regular blueberries, and they have been shown to enhance brain and memory function,” explains Gorin.

2. Apples

Calories per serving: 95 calories for one medium apple

Because they are single serve and keep fresh at room temperature, apples are a very practical fruit to have on hand. According to Glassman, green apples have a high concentration of antioxidants that may help lower the incidence of chronic illnesses. Furthermore, according to non-diet dietitian Christine Byrme, M.P.H, R.D., “a medium apple has an impressive 4.4 grammes of fibre to keep you full for longer, especially if you pair the apple with a fat or protein source like peanut butter or yoghurt.”

3. Grapes

Calories per serving: 104 calories for one cup

Because they are so refreshing, grapes are a great low-calorie summer snack according to Alyssa Smolen, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N. “They are very high in water content, which is beneficial for staying hydrated during the summer,” she says. According to Glassman, grapes are also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two minerals that can support eye health. Store some in the freezer and enjoy them as a chilly snack.

4. Cantaloupe

Calories per serving: 54 calories per cup (cubed)

According to Marisa Moore R.D.N., “cantaloupe is naturally sweet and an excellent source of potassium, which when eaten adequately can help keep blood pressure levels normal,” as well as vitamin C for immunological health. Enjoy it as a cool salad or as a snack by drizzling it with a sweet-spicy vinaigrette.

5. Kiwi

Calories per serving: 44 calories for one kiwi

According to Jennifer House, MSc, R.D., founder of First Step Nutrition, “kiwi fruit are a healthy choice, as they have a low glycemic index and have been linked to improved sleep and decreased constipation.” They’re also a fantastic source of fibre and vitamin C, which support gut and immune system health.

6. Honeydew Melon

Calories per serving: 61 calories per cup (cubed)

Honeydew is an excellent source of hydration because it contains over 90% water. Plus, according to Glassman, the melon is “rich in potassium, which regulates blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help keep your skin healthy.”

7. Peaches

Calories per serving: 50 calories for one medium peach

These delicious summer fruits are low in calories and high in nutrients. According to Glassman, “carotenoids, an antioxidant with anti-cancer properties, are rich in peach skins.” Additionally, they have antioxidants that reduce inflammation, which may assist with seasonal allergies. Peaches are sweet and full because they include 2 grammes of fibre. In addition, they’re convenient to eat as a snack or as a nutritious supplement to lunch on-the-go, says Hadley.

8. Blackberries

Calories per serving: 62 calories per cup

According to Moore, “blackberries are a fibre powerhouse, containing 8 grammes per cup.” She goes on, “Anthocyanins, an antioxidant that may help lower the risk of heart disease, give these dark, sweet berries their rich purple-black colour.” They are also a good source of vitamin C, which strengthens immunity.

9. Watermelon

Calories per serving: 46 calories per cup (cubed)

This incredibly delicious fruit has some amazing benefits for your skin. According to a study, watermelon and other fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids can shield skin from the sun’s ageing effects. According to Moore, it has a water content of 92% and is a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of heart disease. Hadley enjoys making a nice and hydrating beverage by freezing ice cubes and adding them to a glass of water.

10. Strawberries

Calories per serving: 54 calories per cup (sliced)

This low-calorie fruit can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Blend and freeze into an ice pop, top yoghurt and sprinkle with homemade granola, or spread goat cheese on toast. Moreover, they provide additional health advantages and are an excellent source of magnesium and vitamin C. According to Gorin, “a review study found that people who regularly ate berries, such as strawberries, had lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels than people who did not regularly eat berries.”