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Natural Remedies Such as Saffron, Cucumber, Ghee, Coriander, and More Can Shield Your Eyes from UV Radiation

The term “tatwa” in Ayurveda denotes one of the five fundamental elements: ether (Akasha), fire (Agni), water (Jala), air (Vayu), and earth (Prithvi). The three doshas of pitta, kapha, and vata are formed by the combination of these substances. The fire element (Agni) is associated with the pitta dosha, which governs bodily temperature, metabolism, and transformation. One of Pitta’s main sites is the eyes. The Pitta dosha can be upset by prolonged exposure to strong UV radiation, which can cause symptoms in the eyes such as redness, burning, dryness, and inflammation.

Triphala: A powerful concoction of amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki, three different fruits. The benefits of triphala for cleaning and rejuvenating the eyes are well known. Using triphala eyewash on a regular basis can support the maintenance of healthy, clear eyesight.

Yashtimadhu, or licorice root: Known for its calming and anti-inflammatory qualities, licorice root can aid in lessening eye redness and irritation brought on by UV radiation.

Ashwagandha: This herb aids in lowering inflammatory and stress levels throughout the body, including the eyes. It is advantageous for preserving general eye health and fending against UV radiation.

Ghee (clarified butter): A few drops applied to the eyes just before bed can calm and nourished the eyes, assisting in the fight against inflammation and dryness.

Honey and turmeric: To lessen inflammation and shield the eyes from UV-induced infections, apply a solution of honey and turmeric as an eye drop.

Fennel (Saunf/madhurika): The cooling qualities of fennel seeds can aid in ocular discomfort alleviation. It is excellent to drink fennel tea or use fennel water as an eye wash.

Coriander: To lessen eye discomfort and inflammation, boil coriander seeds in water and use the solution as an eyewash.

Saffron: Saffron’s antioxidant qualities are well-known. Saffron milk consumption can enhance vision and shield the eyes from UV ray damage.

Cooling eyewashes: Including cooling eyewashes in your regimen, like rose water, can help relieve eye irritation and lessen the heat produced by UV radiation.

Cucumber: Applying slices of cucumber to the eyes helps soothe the discomfort brought on by UV rays and minimise puffiness.

Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel can be used to soothe and cool the area around the eyes, lowering redness and inflammation.

Ginkgo biloba: This herb is well-known for its capacity to enhance blood flow and shield the eyes from UV-induced oxidative damage.

Chamomile: To soothe and lessen eye irritation, chamomile tea can be used as an eyewash.

Rosemary: Rosemary’s antioxidant qualities can aid in shielding the eyes from UV radiation damage.

Carrot seed oil: Beta-carotene, which is abundant in carrot seed oil, is necessary for preserving eye health and shielding the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

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