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Five Easy Steps to a Healthier and Greener Diet

Five Easy Steps to a Healthier and Greener Diet

Five Easy Steps to a Healthier and Greener Diet

Learn five practical strategies for changing your diet to a more sustainable and healthful one. Discover how to choose healthier foods and enhance your general health.

In the modern world, eating a healthier, more environmentally friendly diet has become more and more important. The UN claims that more than one-third of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by human activity worldwide are attributable to our food systems. These emissions include those from rice farming, livestock rearing, production processes, packaging, refrigeration, and fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions, among many other things.

A greener diet involves eating more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods and animal products, which is better for the environment and your health. A greener diet can be a great way to motivate yourself to lose weight because it’s a lifestyle change that can be easily maintained over an extended period of time and allows you to find healthier substitutes for your favorite foods. All it teaches you is how to eat in moderation and substitute foods so that you can still enjoy your food and adhere to your healthy, green diet goals.

Accept Plant-Based Alternatives

According to the UN, the share of global GHG emissions that come from meat and dairy products is approximately 14.5%. Fortunately, cutting your carbon footprint and eating more protein is simple. Just add more legumes to your diet—such as beans, lentils, and chickpeas—and look into recipes for plant-based protein substitutes. Think about making plant-based versions of your favorite recipes, like black bean burgers or stir-fried veggies.

Have a sweet tooth? Not a problem! These forty plant-based dessert recipes are vegan and gluten-free. You can enjoy pudding and ice cream recipes as well as no-bake desserts, especially since each dish is better for the environment and your body.

Select Seasonal and Local Produce

Selecting locally grown and in-season produce will help you cut down on carbon emissions rather than purchasing food that is imported using massive shipping vessels. Purchasing this produce in bulk or closer to the end of the day is a great way to cut costs on food, as it is frequently less expensive and fresher. This motivates you to prepare meals from scratch more frequently, which has been shown in studies to be more nutrient-dense and efficient for weight loss.

Stress Whole Foods

Eating whole foods increases your intake of nutrients. They also cut down on waste because they don’t usually come in plastic or metal packaging, unlike most processed foods. Choose whole grains like oats, quinoa, or whole wheat bread, as well as whole fruits and vegetables rather than products that have been canned.

A focus on whole foods also contributes to a reduction in sodium consumption. You can add herbs and spices to various dishes to give them additional flavor. See how a Buddha Bowl can be packed with a variety of vibrant vegetables and healthy fats to make it a tasty and well-balanced meal even without meat. The dish is finished with a homemade tahini dressing that is also great in a lot of other recipes.

Cut Down on Food Wastage

Minimizing food waste helps protect our environment and saves money on disposal fees. Meal planning in advance is one of the simplest ways to prevent overspending.

Because meal planning allows you to prepare large quantities of healthful dishes on the weekend to eat throughout the week, it’s also a great way to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients each day. As long as they are kept in airtight containers, these freezer meals can include anything from vegetable lasagna to creamy green lentil dahl.

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