Soroush Valizadeh is an experienced doctor who follows rap music as a special art and specializes in this style of music. His audience call him Dr Rapfa. He is an authentic Mazandaran. Mazandaran is a city in Iran that is full of pristine nature.

He considers music to be a model of nature and sometimes he writes his music based on the nature of his city and uses the pristine nature of his city and has called his city Mazandaran an honor many times in his music.
Soroush Valizadeh has tried to form his music team from people close to him, for example, his producer is one of his closest friends, this has had a great impact on the development of his music style and they have been able to produce the best successful beats in the history of rap. Register Iranian Farsi.
Next, one of the successful songs of Soroush Vali Zadeh, )professionally known as Hiphopologist.Dr Rapfa(We refer to the name (Baadpooli) which was prepared with the cooperation of his composer (kagan) and was broadcasted and was very successful.