6 Health Benefits of Having Peanuts For A Snack

Peanuts are a common snack food and a key component of Indian cuisine. They are frequently eaten as a tea time snack after being cooked, roasted, and put to poha. These little legumes do, however, have a wealth of health benefits. Nutrients such as fat, protein, and several others are abundant in peanuts.

Weight loss

Eating peanuts or peanut butter on a regular basis can support weight management.

Cholesterol reduction

Eating peanuts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner will lower your cholesterol and lower your risk of several diseases. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), particularly oleic acid, are found in peanuts and can help raise HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. This can lower the risk of stroke and coronary artery disease by fostering a healthy blood lipid profile.

Anti-ageing properties

Go for peanuts; they’ll help you mature like a good wine! Nuts like peanuts are a great source of vitamin C, which is needed to make collagen. By keeping the skin supple and tight, collagen helps to avoid wrinkles and discolouration.

Cancer prevention

P-coumaric acid, one of the polyphenolic antioxidants found in peanuts, can lower the risk of stomach cancer by preventing the stomach from producing carcinogenic nitrosamines. Resveratrol, which acts as a preventative measure against cancer and other illnesses, is abundant in peanuts.

Stroke risk reduction

Peanuts contain resveratrol, which is thought to reduce the risk of stroke by changing the molecular mechanisms in blood arteries and increasing the production of the vasodilator hormone nitric oxide. Peanuts have a beneficial effect on blood sugar regulation and can protect the heart.

Shoo away depression

Because they can effectively ward off the gloomy expressions, peanuts make a cheerful snack! Peanuts’ tryptophan raises serotonin release, which combats depression. Depression is typically caused by low serotonin levels. Because of their many health advantages, peanuts are a great addition to any diet.