7 Benefits To Running In A Scissors Fashion

Running is well praised for its many health advantages. But like scissors, jogging with a twist can have some unexpected and little-known benefits. This unusual running technique, which alternates between leg movements akin to scissor action, has the potential to revolutionise your workout regimen.

Increased muscular coordination

It takes a lot of coordination for the legs and the rest of the body to run like scissors. Leg motions are alternated in this action, which has the effect of cutting through the air like a pair of scissors. In the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, a research found that this kind of running improves neuromuscular coordination, or the exchange of information between the brain and muscles. Improved coordination can lower the chance of injury and improve overall athletic performance.

Improved core stability

The increase in core stability is one among the main advantages of running like scissors. For stability and balance, the scissor motion heavily uses the core muscles. According to research by the American Council on Exercise, balance and coordination exercises like the scissor run greatly engage the core muscles. In addition to improving running efficiency, this increased core stability also helps with posture and lessens lower back pain.

Increased cardiovascular efficiency

Scissor-motion running presents special demands to the cardiovascular system. Greater cardiovascular efficiency is encouraged by the alternating leg movements, which put more strain on the heart and lungs. According to a British Journal of Sports Medicine study, heart rate variability and oxygen uptake can be enhanced by dynamic, coordinated exercises like the scissor run. Over time, this results in a stronger cardiovascular system and increased endurance.

Boosts flexibility and mobility

Naturally, the scissor run encourages increased mobility and flexibility. Stretching the muscles is aided by the extensive range of motion needed for each leg to move in an alternating scissor pattern, especially the hamstrings and hip flexors. A National Strength and Conditioning Association article states that practicing flexibility-challenging exercises on a daily basis can improve joint range of motion and decrease muscle stiffness, both of which are critical for overall athleticism and injury prevention.

Better joint health

Running like scissors is less taxing on the joints than regular running. Because of the unusual action, the force is distributed more evenly across the legs, lessening the stress on the knees and ankles. Alternative running methods can reduce joint stress and the likelihood of common running problems including shin splints and runner’s knee, according to a Sports Health Journal study. Because of this, the scissor run is a great option for people who want to maintain their level of activity while protecting their joints.

Improved overall balance

Maintaining balance while dynamically moving the legs in an alternate rhythm is necessary for the scissor motion. Exercises that test balance, like the scissor run, may enhance general stability and lower the risk of falls and balance-related injuries, according to research published in the Journal of Athletic Training. This effect is especially noteworthy because it enhances both daily activities and athletic performance.

Sufficient caloric burn

When you run faster than normal, you may burn more calories. This is known as running like scissors. Higher energy consumption results from the scissor motion’s added effort, which involves using several muscle groups. Dynamic and full-body workouts burn more calories than other types of exercise, which can help with weight control and overall fitness enhancement (American College of Sports Medicine, 2013). The scissor run is therefore a highly effective method for raising your metabolic rate and assisting with weight loss objectives.

How to run like scissors

1. Warm up properly: Start with a dynamic warm-up to loosen the muscles and prepare the joints. Include activities like leg swings and lunges to get your body ready for the scissor motion.

2. Find a suitable surface: Choose a flat, open area free of obstacles. This will help you maintain balance and avoid tripping.

3. Adopt the right posture: Stand tall with your core engaged, shoulders relaxed, and arms bent at a 90-degree angle.

4. Initiate the scissor motion: Begin by lifting your right leg and bringing it forward while simultaneously moving your left leg backwards in a scissor- like motion. Keep your movements controlled and fluid.

5. Alternate legs: Switch legs, bringing the left leg forward and the right leg backwards. Continue alternating, mimicking the opening and closing of scissors.

6. Maintain rhythm and balance: Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm and keeping your core stable to support balance.

7. Cool down: After your run, perform static stretches targeting the legs and hips to aid recovery and enhance flexibility.