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6 Yoga Poses To Reduce Pain in The Neck

Can yoga help in reducing neck pain?

Many people frequently have neck pain as a result of stress, bad posture, or extended desk hours. Yoga has the potential to lessen this pain and enhance neck mobility in general.

​Child’s pose (Balasana)

A mild stretch that eases stress in the shoulders, back, and neck is the child’s pose. It encourages calmness and aids in lowering tension, both of which can significantly contribute to neck pain.

How to perform

​Cat-cow pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

This dynamic position sequence improves circulation and eases stiffness by enhancing neck and spine flexibility. According to a research in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Cat-Cow Pose dramatically increases pain tolerance and spinal mobility.

How to perform

Sphinx pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)

Sphinx Pose can ease stress in the upper back and neck by strengthening the spine and opening the chest. As per a research published in the International Journal of Yoga, doing backbends such as Sphinx Pose might improve spinal health and lessen pain.

How to perform

Seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana)

Taking a Seat The neck and shoulders as well as the entire back body are stretched as you bend. It lessens tension and soothes the neurological system, which can lessen neck pain.

How to perform

​Ear to shoulder stretch

This easy stretch improves range of motion and releases tension in the sides of the neck. It works well to combat stiffness brought on by extended periods of sitting or bad posture.

How to carry out

Legs up the wall pose (Viparita Karani)

The Legs Up the Wall position is a healing position that eases tension in the shoulders and neck. It’s perfect for relieving neck discomfort since it increases blood flow and lowers tension.

How to carry out

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