6 Yoga Poses To Reduce Pain in The Neck

Can yoga help in reducing neck pain?

Many people frequently have neck pain as a result of stress, bad posture, or extended desk hours. Yoga has the potential to lessen this pain and enhance neck mobility in general.

​Child’s pose (Balasana)

A mild stretch that eases stress in the shoulders, back, and neck is the child’s pose. It encourages calmness and aids in lowering tension, both of which can significantly contribute to neck pain.

How to perform

  • Spread your knees apart and kneel on the floor with your big toes touching.
  • Lower your torso to rest between your thighs while sitting back on your heels and extending your arms forward.
  • Let your forehead rest on the carpet while you unwind your neck.
  • Breathe deeply while holding this position for one to two minutes.
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​Cat-cow pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

This dynamic position sequence improves circulation and eases stiffness by enhancing neck and spine flexibility. According to a research in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Cat-Cow Pose dramatically increases pain tolerance and spinal mobility.

How to perform

  • Take a tabletop position and begin on your hands and knees.
  •  Take a breath, raise your head and tailbone towards the ceiling, and arch your back (Cow Pose).
  • Release your breath, arch your back, and bring your chin up to your chest (Cat Pose).
  • Continue in this manner for one to two minutes, breathing gently as you move.

Sphinx pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)

Sphinx Pose can ease stress in the upper back and neck by strengthening the spine and opening the chest. As per a research published in the International Journal of Yoga, doing backbends such as Sphinx Pose might improve spinal health and lessen pain.

How to perform

  • Extend your legs and place your feet together while lying on your stomach.
  • Elevate your chest while placing your forearms on the mat and your elbows beneath your shoulders.
  • Pull your shoulders away from your ears while applying light pressure to your forearms.
  • Breathe steadily while holding the stance for one to two minutes.

Seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana)

Taking a Seat The neck and shoulders as well as the entire back body are stretched as you bend. It lessens tension and soothes the neurological system, which can lessen neck pain.

How to perform

  • Take a seat and extend your legs straight in front of you.
  • Take a breath, extend your spine, and then release it while bending forward at the hips.
  • With your neck relaxed, reach for your shins, ankles, or feet.
  • Breathe deeply while you hold the stance for one to two minutes.

​Ear to shoulder stretch

This easy stretch improves range of motion and releases tension in the sides of the neck. It works well to combat stiffness brought on by extended periods of sitting or bad posture.

How to carry out

  • Maintain a straight back while you sit or stand.
  • Feel a stretch along the left side of your neck as you gently lower your right ear towards your right shoulder.
  • Hold for thirty seconds, then alternate sides and do it again.
  • Repeat two to three times on each side.

Legs up the wall pose (Viparita Karani)

The Legs Up the Wall position is a healing position that eases tension in the shoulders and neck. It’s perfect for relieving neck discomfort since it increases blood flow and lowers tension.

How to carry out

  • Take a seat near to a wall and lie flat.
  • Swing your legs up the wall while maintaining a hip-distance to the wall’s base.
  • Close your eyes and lean your arms back at your sides.
  • Maintain the posture for five to ten minutes while taking deep, soothing breaths.