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5 Negative Effects of Drinking Soaked Chia Seed Water After 10 PM Every Day

Chia Seeds Water at Night: Known for their remarkable nutritional profile and health advantages, chia seeds are a highly acclaimed superfood. Packed with vital minerals, fibre, and omega-3 fatty acids, they have been connected to better weight control, heart health, and digestion. Drinking chia seed water at night, particularly after 10 PM, may have unexpected negative effects, even if it’s a fashionable health trend.

5 Side Effects of Drinking Soaked Chia Seeds At Night

Indigestion And Bloating

Digestive pain is a major issue when drinking chia seed water before bed. Because these seeds are high in fibre, eating too much of them, especially at night, might cause gas and bloating. This can make you uncomfortable and disrupt your sleep.

Unexplained Weight Gain

Even though chia seeds are frequently hailed for helping people lose weight, eating them late at night may cause unanticipated weight gain. Their high calorie content and propensity to swell in water might lead to overindulgence, which could throw your weight loss plans for a loop.

Frequent Urination and Interrupted Sleep

Drinking water with chia seeds increases fluid consumption, which can cause nighttime urination. Your sleep pattern may be disturbed, and you may wake up feeling exhausted. This side effect can be especially annoying for people with reduced bladder capacities or pre-existing urine problems.

Interfere Body’s Nutrition Absorption Power

Drinking chia seed water at night may disrupt your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. These seeds have the capacity to bind to specific nutrients, which may reduce their availability for absorption. In order to maximise nutrient absorption, timing is crucial.

Allergic Reactions

Finally, chia seeds may cause allergic responses in certain people. It is vital to monitor how your body responds because eating them at night may exacerbate symptoms like swelling or itching.

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